Monday, April 4, 2011

My wish for you...

I used to love to write. I used to love to read. Words were my passion. Sometimes life seems to get in the way. You get so caught up with something or someone and forget about you. It doesn't mean that something or that someone isn't worthy or deserving of your time or your just forget to breathe. You get so wrapped up in expectations and emotions that some other things take a back burner. That said, I'm going through a break-up. And it's a hard one. A very, very hard one. I'm not going to pretend to be this tough-take-no-prisoners-men-suck-love 'em and leave 'em chick. Because I'm not. My friends, The Midnight River Choir wrote, "Fools of love will play the games that love wants to, don't be fooled by pain because I promise love hurts too..." So, Pretty Boy and I broke up (he's still very Pretty, by the way). And it's been rough on me. I don't hate him, I don't wish ill will toward him and I'm not secretly plotting some evil revenge tactic. That's how I know I truly care for him. My wish:

Dear Pretty Boy:
On the eve of our would-be anniversary, I wish you this: That life gives you everything you want, need and desire; that you realize the man I see when I look at you and you do whatever it takes so that the rest of this big wide world can see it too-there is too good a man in there to not be shown to as many people as possible. My wish is that you find a true, kind, loyal love that makes your heart beat fast and drives you to be a better person; that you surround yourself with good, honest, kind, caring people who lift you up and stand behind you. My wish is that you know how much you taught me about life, love and myself; you helped me see the real me and as emotional and difficult as this journey has been...I wouldn't trade a moment. You helped me discover that nice girls can finish first. You inspired me to deepen and grow my relationship with Christ. And most of all, I wish you know always and forever that I choose very selectively who I let in my life and you know more about me than anyone on the face of this planet. You are meant for great things...go out and conquer this world and I PROMISE to do the same.

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